Giovanna Antonelli and Murilo Benicio
Same FAN MIRIM with only six months, Pietro already has intense cultural life: in the sunday, 20, it attended in the col of the mother, Giovanna Antonelli, to a musical show in the River Design Bar, where the actress and the husband, Murilo Benício, had passed good part of the rainy afternoon. Nor the closed time ruined the sunday of leisure of Giovanna Antonelli, Murilo Benício and Pietro. Of vacation, the two actors have used to advantage to the maximum the time with the son, as in the afternoon of day 20, where the family took a walk and if she amused in shopping River Design Bar, in the River.

"Quem"popular brazilian magazine
Giovanna Antonelli (QUEM) 25.11.2005
         While Murilo visited some store, Giovanna did not unglue of the son. Complete Pietro six months day 24. E since the birth of it, in May, the actress has if dedicated only the baby. Work, only from January. "I decided to be alone in function of my son, is a delight to take care of of it", dribble.
In this exclusive interview to "Quem", Giovanna speaks on the return to the
work, to the old form and, clearly, on its corujice.
" This moment now is of my son. I am with direct it, I photograph, I film, I
follow all the steps. Earring very, we make bagunça... Is wonderful.

Quem - It already was baptized?
Giovanna - Not, but we are thinking about marking, perhaps about January. The godfathers will be Cristiane Alves, great friend mine, and Marcello Novaes (actor from novela "O Clone"), another dear friend.

Quem - Already it came back to the weight of before the pregnancy? Giovanna - Of 20kg that I earned, they lack to eliminate few well. I am threshing in house, 1h30 per day, with the personal Ellison Sá. Always I was sedentary, but I am adoring this life fitness. I want to come back to air with the body bombando (laughs).
Quem - And diet, is making?
Giovanna - In the beginning, Ana Celi Pimentel, nutritionist, all made an alimentary planning for me. Now, I am keeping with gymnastics, without diet. Alive E mine chocolatinho of each day!

Thanks to Tanja who makes available this news on site!
Giovanna Antonelli in brazilian magazine "Quem"
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Author of site Bojan.
Giovanna Antonelli and Pietro
Murilo Benicio - Giovanna Antonelli
Quem - When it intends to come back to work?
Giovanna - It intended to still come back in this year, but I
decided to be alone in function of my son. I was not total stop, since I am
writing the pilot of a program, with the actor Guillermo Piva. We are having
meetings has one year almost.

Quem - And goes to return making what!?
Giovanna -
I am reading cinema scripts and I come back to novels. Still he is not
closed, but probably it will be next to the Emanuel João the

Quem - It intends to change the hair for the return to novels?
Giovanna - My hair is short and has one year has proper life, or either, he is free of dye or to megahair. To enter in air, I must make a radical change.
Qiem - And for the end, a calm son livens up to have others?
Giovanna - Clearly! But calm, now not!

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