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Giovanna Antonelli and Murilo Benisio
Pietro, for the first time In the May end, Giovanna Antonelli left scene to tan the maternity. Three months later, it resurges pretty and 13 kilos leaner in the layer of the "Faces", showing its bigger trophy, the small Pietro, its son with the actor Murilo Benício. The baby, who was born in the night of 24 of May, in Rio De Janeiro, has been the center of the attentions in the life of the actress. Giovanna spoke on this special moment, that is the experience of being for the first time mother.
Giovanna Antonelli with her baby
The proportionate joy for its baby already makes it to think about increasing the offspring. Not even the 20 kilos (now only they lack seven it to lose) that it earned in the gestation scares it. "a child brings happiness, is an unconditional love. I want to have more two children ", sentences Giovanna, that does not save compliments to the husband. "I chose the father of my son well. Murilo is dedicated to the extremity ", melts it, to speech on the loved one, that also he is father of Antonio, of six years, fruit of its marriage with the actress Alessandra Negrini. With the birth of its first son, Pietro, has three months, Giovanna Antonelli (29) knew the love unconditional. "breast-feeding was the best experience that I had in the life", he discloses the actress, who presents the boy with exclusiveness for the FACES.
"Caras" brasilian magazine
Without anxiety, it tans one day of each time and if it amuses with gracinhas that the heir already starts to make. Not even the fact of its milk to have dried recently was reason of estresse for the actress.
Giovanna Antonelli shows her baby
Depression after-childbirth is not shame. But it did not happen with me, was lie. I did not appear simply because I decided to be in house and to tan my son. - the pregnancy was programmed? - He was planejadíssima! Thus that I finished to record Of the Color of the Sin, in the passed year, I programmed myself to engravidar and papa of the sky gave to this bebezinho to me of the dreams.

The maternity was the biggest emotion of its life? - breast-feeding was the best experience that I had in the life. It is a so pretty exchange, as much for the importance of breast-feeding how much for the pleasure that is to feed the son. It would adore to suckle up to 1 year, but it was not possible. I suckled three months and it it grew healthful. - What it happened? - the doctor spoke that this is normal.
Thanks to Tanja who found this text and makes it available on this site!
"It would adore to continue suckling until it completed one year of age, but was not possible. The doctor said that this is normal, that it happens with some women. My mother, for example, did not have milk, I did not suck in the chest. The important one is that the Pietro suck so far has little and that is growing healthful ", counted it, who chose the actor Marcello Novaes and the Christiane presenter Alves, of the canal handle GNT, as godfathers of the boy.
The baby provoked a revolution in its routine. Since the beginning of the pregnancy, it he opted to leaving house little and being surrounded only of the affection of the friends, the family and the husband, the actor Murilo Benício (34) - that already he was father of Antonio (of the union with Alessandra Negrini (35). Now, to use to advantage to the maximum the first months of Pietro, Giovanna alone he will come back to novels in 2006.
Until there, the beautiful actress will be showing its excellent form - it already emagreceu 13 of the 20 kilos that got fat during the gestation of Pietro, whose godfathers are the actor Marcello Novaes (43) and Christiane Alves (42), presenter of canal GNT. What she moved in its life? - my focus Moved.
Son is synonymous of responsibility. It is always priority. In that to depend on me, it goes to have all love that will have in this life, as Cazuza said. If I to obtain to be one terço of that my parents and my grandmother had been, go to be a great mother. - who Pietro if he seems? - To the times I find it the face of the Murilo, to the times mine.
But, with certainty, boquinha of I cry and the format of the eyes is mine. - It is quiet? - a prince: calm, fofinho, a baby who does not give no work, only joy. - It desires to have more children? - I dreamed to be mother since the adolescence.
Murilo would adore to have three children, two boys and a girl. I find child healthful to grow it with one irmãozinho, one stimulates the other. I think to engravidar when it to make 2 years. - the routine of the house moved? - It is gladder. I and Murilo tan and in we revezamos them in the cares with Pietro.
Pietro is pretty when I say "good day, my prince, you knows that I love you" and it opens that smile without tooth... Is magical! - What the Pietro added in its relation with the Murilo? - a child alone brings happiness. I and Murilo are on for the remaining portion of our lives to create our son and to give to love it. - How it is the Murilo father? - Wonderful. It was the certain choice. It is dedicated to the extremity, supergift in the life of the two children. As already he had the Antonio, for it he is simpler.
My mother, for example, did not have milk, did not suck in the chest. Then, she was because she thus had that to be. - When she retakes the work? - Mount of homesickness! But the necessary baby very of the mother in the first months. Then, I come back to only work in the year that comes...
Murilo gives tips to me, but I feel that I was born to be mother. - How Antonio if holds? - It has 11 months, Antonio had profit the Bettina (son of Alessandra with the Otto singer), then, it already has all one practical one. To the times, it it teaches to me what the Alessandra makes with the son in house. It also is a boy that I love very.
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Giovanna Antonelli with her baby
Giovanna Antonelli with her baby
Giovanna Antonelli with her baby
Giovanna Antonelli with her baby
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